about us

selfie Griet

Hi there!

I'm Griet, and in 2015 I founded KarmaKarma.

I worked for a large company for twelve years and went on business trips at least twice a week. My biggest irritation? The unhealthy to-go snacks and breakfasts. I was completely fed up with the croissants, sandwiches, and vending machine bars.

With that insight, I started KarmaKarma. It began with oatmeal cups. Later, granola was added, and recently we also introduced cookies! A great alternative to the calorie bombs full of sugar.

It's hard to sell innovation. But we did it! Currently, KarmaKarma is available in corporate catering, numerous coffee bars, and better food stores.

KarmaKarma brings out the best in you.

Best regards, Griet & the KarmaKarma crew